Become a member
Our members value being a part of something bigger and benefit from the variety of services, communications, knowledge exchange and professional development we offer.
Membership Benefits:
- Access to a full-time Executive Director, Project Development Coordinator, Education & Engagement Coordinator and Physical Literacy Development Coordinator.
- Reduced Rates at Workshops, Courses and Conferences
(Recreation NB and Atlantic Recreation and Facilities Conference & Trade Show) - Platforms for Networking with National and Provincial Recreation Professionals
- Reduced rates for Risk Management Logbooks
- Voting Privileges and Ability to Hold Office
- Advocacy for the Recreation and Parks Field and Communications with Elected Officials
- Biweekly Points of Interest Emails and other Timely Communications
- Customizable and Sharable Resources and Position Papers
- Online Platform for Job Postings
- Advertising Opportunities
- Access to Member Directory
- Funding Opportunities
- Awards Program
Why join?
- We rely on our member to inform our resource development, education opportunities and advocacy positions.
- We provide our members with a provincial voice, amplifying their issues of concern and advocating for meaningful, quality, accessible and safe parks, recreation and leisure opportunities throughout New Brunswick.
Choose your Membership Level
- Municipal A
- Municipal B
- Municipal C
- Municipal D
- Corporate
- Associate
- Individual
** New Corporate Members receive one month of free advertising on our website, a welcome email sent to our full membership, as well as social media shout-outs/tags.**
If you have a question for our staff or an idea you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you. Send us an email or give us a call.