The Best Way to Play
HIGH FIVE® is Canada’s quality standard for recreation and leisure programs. It was founded in 2001 by Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO) as a national standard for children’s recreation programs.
HIGH FIVE® not only provides recreation professionals with training, but also gives organizations program assessment tools, policies and procedures, and resources to raise awareness about the component parts of operating successful programs. Since then, the standard has evolved to include training on several other factors including mental health, competitive sports programs, and healthy aging.
HIGH FIVE® Trainings:
Communicating with Empathy
Healthy Minds for Healthy Children
HIGH FIVE Sport 4-hour on-demand training helps coaches understand healthy child development, what motivates children to participate in sport, and what strategies help them want to continue to play. The training addresses the key barriers girls face in long-term participation in sports programs. These barriers include lack of quality, enjoyment, and confidence. The training uses the five principles of HIGH FIVE – Caring Leaders, Participation, Mastery, Play and Friends – to address these barriers and encourage lasting participation in sports.
Introduction Conflict Resolution
This in -person training module provides new strategies for conflict resolution developed by HIGH FIVE. The Caring Code and S.A.F.E. strategies help Caring Leaders support children in solution seeking and maintaining a safe and welcoming environment. What you’ll learn: conflict assessment, creating child-centred environments; and defining bullying. Learners will also have access to the HIGH FIVE Database to download additional resources and receive a toolkit during training which will become a resource they can refer to throughout their time working/ volunteering in recreation programs.
PHA Quest 1
This online training will help supervisors and managers assess, develop, measure and adopt older adult focused policies and procedures. Participants will be provided with sample policies and procedures in key risk areas including hiring, emergency management, program planning, and report tracking and learn how to adopt an older adult centred approach to service delivery and operations to minimize risk.
PHA Quest 2
This online training provides an evidence-based approach to evaluating programming for older adults. Themes include ageism, program planning, and the importance that physical literacy plays in sustained long-term health, increased social connectedness, improved general mental and physical well-being and a better quality of life.
PHCD Quest 1
This 2-hour online training will help supervisors and managers assess, develop, measure and adopt child-focused policies and procedures. Participants will gain access to 86 policies and procedures in key risk areas including hiring, emergency management, program planning and report tracking. Learner will identify how to use the evidence-based HIGH FIVE QUEST 1 to adopt a child- centred approach to service delivery and operations to minimize risk. If there are areas where no policy or procedure exists, managers will have access to templates to develop them.
PHCD Quest 2
This training helps supervisors improve risk management in children’s programs by learning how to assess and measure quality with the HIGH FIVE QUEST 2 Tool. Supervisors will use the QUEST 2 Tool, learn how to enter their data into the HIGH FIVE Database to track their organization’s progress, and identify areas for improvement. Students of this training will also learn how to debrief the results of the assessment with staff in a positive way and create a process for continuous improvement. PHCD QUEST 2 is presented in two parts: an on-demand, online training and a virtual live session with a certified HIGH FIVE trainer.
Planning Quality Programs
This in-person training module teaches participants how to create an activity plan that reflect the HIGH FIVE principles and 3 Design Guidelines. What you’ll learn: how to plan quality games and activities including how to modify and adapt activities to adhere to the HIGH FIVE Principles and DESIGN Guidelines. Learners will also have access to the HIGH FIVE Database to download additional resources and received a toolkit during training which will become a resource they can refer to throughout their time working / volunteering in recreation programs.
Principles of Healthy Again (PHA)
This one-day training provides insights into the unique needs of older adults when participating in recreation or leisure activities in municipal or retirement communities. It provides evidence-based approaches to improve the experience of participants by implementing the HIGH FIVE Principles of Healthy Aging, Topics include ageism, program planning and the importance that physical literacy plays in sustained long-term health, increased social connectedness, improved general mental and physical well-being and a better quality of life.
Principles of Healthy Child Development 4-hour (PHCD 4-hour)
The Principles of Healthy Child Development (PHCD) is a 4-hour training that equips front-line leaders (anyone working with children aged 4 to 12) with the tools to immediately enhance the quality of their programs. The training provides valuable information, resources, and techniques to ensure that each child’s social, emotional and cognitive needs are met.
Strengthening Children’s Mental Health
This one-day in-person training, developed in collaboration with Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario, will help anyone running children’s programs be more informed and prepared to support their staff in promoting positive mental health in children. Participants will learn key concepts and factors that affect children’s mental health including the impact of stress and environment on a child’s ability to cope. This training will provide tools and suggested activities to use with staff to help improve their understanding and interactions with children who face challenges in their programs. At the completion of this training, leaners will be able to identify key concepts related to children’s mental health, as well as strategies to help staff promote positive mental health, as well as strategies to help staff.
Strengthening Children’s Mental Health Trainer
This one-day training is designed for the person responsible for training staff in an organization or community setting. Using the latest evidence-based research, knowledge, and resources this experienced facilitator will be able to deliver Strengthening children’s Mental Health training, a new training developed with the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario being offered by HIGH FIVE. It builds on an organization’s commitment to continuous improvement in healthy child development and training delivery. Topics include key concepts related to children’s mental health strategies to help staff promote positive mental health understanding the effects of stress and environment and responding appropriately to mental health conditions in children.
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